相容於 Windows 10 的資料同步、備份軟體,可透過網路和 FTP 備份或同步到本地或外部硬碟。

  • SyncBackFree
  • 軟體版本 :
  • 軟體分類 : 116工具程式 (資料備份)
  • 語言介面 : 多國語言
  • 作業系統 : Windows(含Win11)
  • 軟體性質 : 免費軟體
  • 使用限制 : 個人使用免費
  • 檔案大小 : 40.65 MB
  • 點閱次數 : 48,087下載次數 : 6,835
  • 更新時間 : 2023/11/10 下午 12:27:27


一個免費的檔案備份工具軟體,該軟體提供的備份方式有,備份至相同硬碟、備份至其他硬碟、備份至一個 FTP server 上、備份至其他儲存裝置上如: CDRW、Zip archive..等等。
在功能上提供了完整備份、同步備份、將備份的檔案壓縮成 ZIP 檔案格式,也支援有排程設定,讓所有的備份工作全自動化,再也不用擔心檔案遺失或毀損。

From Frank


SyncBack 系列產品備份、同步和復原資料檔案。
SyncBackPro、SyncBackSE 和 SyncBackFree 在 Windows(11、10、8、7、Vista - 32/64 位)上工作,並被世界各地的個人、小型企業和組織使用。所有三個程式都可以同時安裝,因此您可以評估哪個最適合您。
SyncBackPro 和 SyncBackSE 還允許您使用適用於 Windows、macOS、Linux 和 Android(手機和設備)的SyncBack Touch跨多個作業系統備份資料。SyncBack Touch 完全免費與 SyncBackPro/SE V10 和更新版本一起使用。

免費供個人、教育、慈善、政府和商業用途使用的 Windows 備份軟體。

‧ 備份和同步:雙向複製檔案
‧ 快速輕鬆地從備份復原
‧ 電子郵件日誌自動
‧ 在備份前後執行程式
‧ 自動安排備份
‧ 為非英文檔案名啟用Unicode
‧ 簡單和高級模式
‧ 在Windows 11 上執行, 10, 8, 7 和 Vista(32/64 位)
‧ 廣泛的幫助檔案
‧ 完全免費的 Windows 備份解決方案!
‧ 無需註冊!
‧ 沒有任何繩索或捕捉!



Licensing and OS Compatibility

  SyncBackPro Pro V10 SyncBackSE SE V10 SyncBackFree Free V10
List Price US$57.70 US$41.95 Free
License Type Perpetual license for the major version number purchased Freeware
Upgrade Assurance available Yes Yes No
Each license can be installed on up to: 5 devices (home) or
1 device (business)
No Limit
Supported OS Compatibility Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista
Windows Server 2008 and newer
SyncBack Touch supports: macOS, Android, Linux & Windows
SyncBack Touch is free to use with SyncBackPro/SE V10
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista
64-bit Version Available Yes Yes No

Supported Protocols

  Pro V10 SE V10 Free V10
Types of data backup process supported
New to V10 Can choose files and/or folders to restore in Restore Wizard
Backup, Fast Backup, Mirror, Intelligent Sync, Restore Backup, Mirror, Basic Sync, Restore
Support for internal (local drive) and/or external (USB hard drive, thumbdrive, etc.) storage Yes Yes Yes
Backup/sync to/from network PC/device (NAS etc.) Yes Yes Yes
FTP protocols supported
New to V10 Expanded FTP/SFTP support, concurrent downloads for large files (Eldos FTP), IPV6
VHD/X support Yes Yes No
SyncBack Monitor support Yes Yes No
SyncBack Touch support
New to V10 Free to use, Rapid Transfer
Yes Yes No
Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) Yes Yes No
Cloud Storage Support
Amazon S3™ (and compatible), Backblaze™ B2, Google Storage™, Microsoft Azure™, Microsoft OneDrive™, OneDrive for Business (Office 365), OpenStack, SharePoint™ (Office 365), Dropbox™, Box, SugarSync™, OVH™, hubiC™, Google Photos™, WebDAV and Egnyte™
New to V10 Citrix ShareFile™, pCloud™, S3 object tagging, SSE-C encryption, uses newer Azure API, improved Egnyte performance, reduced memory usage with Box, Google Drive and OneDrive
Yes No No
Backup Emails Yes No No

Standard Features

  Pro V10 SE V10 Free V10
Ransomware Detection
New to V10 Expanded to also support FTP, SFTP, cloud storage, MTP, VHD, remote file-systems and SyncBack Touch
Yes Yes Yes
Abort backup if too many changes Yes Yes Yes
Central cloud authentication Yes Yes Yes
Group profile run
New to V10 Improved performance when more than one profile is running, can automatically abort group profile if a profile fails
Yes Yes Yes
Scheduled Backups Yes Yes Yes
Periodic running
New to V10 Can specify which times it can start in and on which days of the week
Yes Yes Yes
Differences window to review proposed changes Yes Yes Yes
File Verification Yes Yes Yes
Hashing compare method Yes Yes Yes
Run external programs before and/or after profiles Yes Yes Yes
Multi-language user interface Yes Yes Yes
Unicode enabled for multi-language filename support Yes Yes Yes
Email Logs
New to V10 Faster log file creation
Yes Yes Yes
Extensive Help File Yes Yes Yes
File Compression Yes Yes Yes
Environment Variables Yes Yes Yes
Compression Deflate / Deflate64 / BWT / BZip2 / LZMA Deflate / Deflate64 / BWT Deflate
Encryption AES 256-bit Basic Zip Encryption

Advanced Features

  Pro V10 SE V10 Free V10
Delta-copy Yes Yes No
File Integrity Checking Yes No No
SyncBack Management Service (SBMS) integration
Free with V10
Yes No No
Scripting support Yes No No
Automatic drive failure detection
New to V10 Drives tab in Global Settings shows status of all drives
Yes No No
New to V10 Can require an Internet or specific network connection Yes Yes Yes
Smart memory management for large data set backup jobs
New to V10 Can choose to use more or less memory
Yes No No
Faster cloud scanning Yes No No
Faster cloud file transfers Yes No No
New file copying methods Yes Yes No
Choose settings folder Yes Yes No
Auto-decrypt NTFS files Yes Yes No
Faster FTP scanning
Support for CompleteFTP extension
Yes Yes No
File Resuming if connection lost Yes Yes No
Run on Windows startup and/or shutdown/logout Yes Yes No
Real time Backup/Sync when files/folders change Yes Yes No
Backup/Sync on device insertion (USB drive, etc) Yes Yes No
Fast Backup feature (reduces scan times)
New to V10 Fast Backup now can be used with all cloud services (except Backblaze B2 unless used via the S3 compatibility interface), improved options
Yes Yes No
Incremental & Differential backups Yes Yes No
File Versioning Yes Yes No
Bandwidth throttling (FTP and network) Yes Yes No
Transfer file and folder ACL security (NTFS/ReFS) Yes Yes No
New to V10 Transfer file and folder last access date & time (NTFS) Yes Yes No
Copy symbolic links Yes Yes No
Pushover notification on profile failure Yes Yes No
New to V10 Webhook notification when profiles finish Yes Yes No
Regular Expression (RegEx) filter engine
New to V10 Improved performance
Yes Yes No
Detect file renames/move Yes Yes No
Compress email log files Yes Yes No
Send email logs securely using SSL/TLS connection Yes Yes No
Move files Yes Yes No
Automatic profile backups
New to V10 Improved performance
Yes Yes No
Advanced Environment Variables
New to V10 Global variables, new variables (e.g. VERSIONSCREATEDTOTAL), auto-incrementing variable
Yes Yes No
Copy open/locked files using VSS Yes Yes No
List Price US$57.70 US$41.95 Free


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